희소행렬 덧셈 구현
·2020. 4. 29. 03:54
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "smatrix.h"
//time complexity : O(n^2)
void smadd(matrix a, matrix b, matrix d) {
assert((a != NULL) && (b != NULL) && (d != NULL));
assert((a[0].row == b[0].row) && (a[0].col == b[0].col));
assert(a[0].col > 0);
int i = 1, j = 1, k = 1;
d[0].row = a[0].row;
d[0].col = a[0].col;
while (i <= a[0].value || j <= b[0].value) {
//fill in matrix D by comparing row and columns
if (a[i].row == b[j].row) {
if (a[i].col == b[j].col) {
d[k].row = a[i].row;
d[k].col = a[i].col;
d[k++].value = a[i++].value + b[j++].value;
else if (a[i].col < b[j].col) {
d[k].row = a[i].row;
d[k].col = a[i].col;
d[k++].value = a[i++].value;
else {
d[k].row = b[j].row;
d[k].col = b[j].col;
d[k++].value = b[j++].value;
else if (a[i].row < b[j].row) {
d[k].row = a[i].row;
d[k].col = a[i].col;
d[k++].value = a[i++].value;
else {
d[k].row = b[j].row;
d[k].col = b[j].col;
d[k++].value = b[j++].value;
//fill in the elements that are left
for (; i <= a[0].value; i++) {
d[k].row = a[i].row;
d[k].col = a[i].col;
d[k++].value = a[i++].value;
for (; j <= b[0].value; j++) {
d[k].row = b[j].row;
d[k].col = b[j].col;
d[k++].value = b[j++].value;
d[0].value = k - 1;
int main() {
//matrix a = create(3, 5);
matrix a = malloc(sizeof(element) * 9);
a[0].row = 6; a[0].col = 6; a[0].value = 8;
//matrix b = malloc(sizeof(element)*9)
a[1].row = 0; a[1].col = 0; a[1].value = 15;
a[2].row = 0; a[2].col = 3; a[2].value = 22;
a[3].row = 0; a[3].col = 5; a[3].value = -15;
a[4].row = 1; a[4].col = 1; a[4].value = 11;
a[5].row = 1; a[5].col = 2; a[5].value = 3;
a[6].row = 2; a[6].col = 3; a[6].value = -6;
a[7].row = 4; a[7].col = 0; a[7].value = 91;
a[8].row = 5; a[8].col = 2; a[8].value = 28;
printf("Matrix a:\n");
smvisualprint(a, false);
matrix b;
smcreate(&b, 3, 5);
smfastTranspose(a, b);
printf("Matrix b: \n");
smvisualprint(b, false);
matrix d;
smcreate(&d, 5, 5);
smadd(a, b, d);
printf("Matrix a + b: \n");
smvisualprint(d, false);
return 0;
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